About AAFC
African Asset Finance Company (AAFC) was launched in 2017 and aims to bridge the gap between capital markets with ample liquidity and emerging markets in need of solutions for equipment, equipment-as-a-service, equipment leasing, asset-backed lending, and (clean) energy and infrastructure financing in Africa through AAFC group and portfolio companies, partnerships and investments.
AAFC is headquartered in New York, and its companies have offices in Africa, the Middle East and Europe. AAFC’s companies are rapidly expanding to several markets across the African continent and beyond.
AAFC’s companies are led by an executive team with deep and broad international experience in leasing, operational management and direct investment, as well as decades of on-the-ground experience in Africa.
AAFC’s board of directors is composed of renowned business leaders from around the world who bring extensive experience in Africa, banking and non-banking financial services, and best-in-class management practices.

Our Impact Philosophy
AAFC is committed to driving both business growth and generating a positive impact. By making high-quality equipment accessible to businesses, we help accelerate economic development by enabling faster business growth and creating jobs.
Our companies have the potential to transform the lives of millions through greater economic activity, improved efficiency and increased job opportunity.
How We Do Business
We follow best practices in all aspects of our business:
We are committed to a fair pricing principle and strive to cap the embedded interest rates our companies use to calculate equipment services and leases at 500 bps above their WACC (weighted average cost of capital)
We ensure that all our companies abide by a living wage pledge, and ensure that all employees of our companies receive at least the minimum income necessary for someone to meet their basic needs and participate in their community
Our companies give priority to deploying quality equipment that compares favorably against its peers in the areas of environmental impact, safety and longevity.
We have a strict Code of Ethics and Business Policy across all our companies with a zero tolerance for corruption and strictly enforce a code of ethical conduct.
We strictly enforce compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
We abide by the UNPRI and the UN Global Compact.
We comply with all sanctions’ regulations.
Some of our subsidiaries are regulated by local regulators, such as the National Bank of Ethiopia, which regulates Ethio Lease.
We are a member of ELFA.
How We Decide Which
Businesses To Work With
When it comes to deciding which businesses to work with, all our comapanies use the following three screening strategies:
We check against lists of excluded companies (e.g., manufacturers of controversial weapons, companies known for human rights abuses or inexcusable negative environmental, etc.) and reject these out of hand.
We prioritize companies with better Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) records than their peers, using a combination of our own analysis and third-party research.
Norms-based Screening
We screen against international standards of business practice, which is embedded into our credit and risk evaluation process.
How We Partner
We are committed to addressing the needs of organizations in priority sectors, such as small farmers and public hospitals, that have limited access to credit. To this end, we partner with local or international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local cooperatives and other aggregators such as contract farming organizations, to create a combination of clustered offerings and technical assistance, typically with an umbrella first-loss guarantee offered by the partner.
Technical assistance can include training on how to operate machinery or equipment, support with various management and administrative functions, and general strategic business advice.
& Governance
AAFC and/or subsidiaries are in certain areas regulated or supervised by government agencies or self regulating bodies, such as the SEC, the National Bank of Ethiopia and DIFC. AAFC and its subsidiaries voluntarily comply with EU GDPR, and with UNPRI.
We hold accountability and transparency in high regard. Our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct can be viewed through the following link.

The management teams of AAFC’s companies and AAFC’s board of directors are seasoned leaders with extensive experience in Africa and beyond, in industry, banking and non-banking financial services.